Top Ten Green Business Trends

Top Ten Green Business Trends

Your web site will use the same engagement rules that brick-and mortar businesses use to attract clients, regardless of how small or large they are. You must make smarter business decisions to ensure your web-based company and brand grow. These decisions can include traditional marketing as well as web-based marketing. The most important step in courting potential clients is realizing that green technology is not a stigma for hippies but is now more mainstream and expected to be a responsible decision by companies.

To make people fall in love and trust your brand, they must follow some “rules for engagement”. The old ways that worked back in the early days are not the same as what works today. Customers are smarter and expect more from a brand, and that includes environmentally-friendly practices. As a tech-savvy tech guru stated, “Here’s how you pitch woo to all the world wide web.”

Top Ten Tips to Use Green Technology to Build Your Brand:

Green web hosting

Choose green web hosting to reduce your carbon footprint and show your company’s commitment to sustainability.

Environment friendly packaging

Whether you are shopping for a new computer for your office or home, by choosing a vendor that utilizes green, environmentally-friendly products you are displaying a level of responsibility and commitment to the environment. Dell Computer recently announced that two of its netbooks will be shipped in bamboo packaging, which is a renewable material. The bamboo packaging campaign by Dell has caused quite a stir. Bamboo is a strong, sturdy material for packaging. This is even though it is small and still undeveloped. Bamboo plants grow larger and become a great material source. It can withstand extreme abuse and tolerances, making it perfect for any type of packaging. You can be certain that your order will be shipped in the Bamboo packaging if you are considering placing an order for Dell computers.


Apple Computer announced in its latest environmental report that it is intensifying efforts to reduce the use of toxic materials in its computers, and other consumer electronics devices. The company’s goal is to reduce emissions and eliminate toxic materials. Apple’s aluminum-clad MacBook boasts an energy efficiency of between 86.6% to 87.5. Both companies are working hard to promote their green initiatives.

When not in use, turn off equipment

Although it sounds easy, many companies don’t turn off their equipment when not in use. This is a simple way to cut down on energy consumption by 25%. You can also save 50% by turning off equipment at night.

Maximum recycled content

Choose recycled paper when shopping for office paper to print on or for printing advertising cards. Encourage communication via email and check your email messages to see if it is necessary to print them. Printing less is a good idea, but printing if necessary is a good option. Choosing recycled paper can also be good for your bottom line.

Telecommuting to lower greenhouse gases

Smart tools are offered by VOIP phone companies that enable employees to telecommute. This saves money and makes employees happier and more productive. Companies are increasingly turning to telecommuting and virtual offices as a more environmentally-friendly option.

Fuel efficient cars

Many companies are choosing electric cars and hybrids for their company vehicles.

Local community

The farther you have to transport supplies or service providers, the more energy it will take to get them there. Local shopping allows companies to save shipping costs and supports the local economy.

Compact fluorescent lights

CFLs that are ENERGY STAR certified are the most efficient. They are subject to rigorous certification to ensure they are energy-efficient and high-quality products.

Spread the word “green”.

Spread the word after your company has made a strong commitment. Tell your potential clients and customers about it. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors about your eco-friendly accomplishments. Encourage them to share their accomplishments with others. The trend toward green, environmentally-friendly business practices has increased, and for good reasons. Companies that are green and sustainable earn consumers’ attention.

It’s important to remember that “green”, can refer to many things and you will often find “green” elements in offices today. The corporate mission is the final standard for green. An environmentally-friendly company is one that is truly green from the inside.

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