Are You a Business Opportunity Seeker? 7 Ways to Tell

Are You A Business Opportunity Seeker 7 Ways To Tell

A business opportunity seeker can be found in a book shop, an internet café, or flea market. You may find them in the business section or have an eBay business. Are you one of these strange ducks?

Let’s see what happens. Here are some things that business opportunity seekers or biz-opp seekers might find useful. Get your chance.

1. Are there any books that you have a home-based business?

The 101 business for the stay-at-home mom and others are all well-known. These books can be entertaining and a sign that you are a potential opportunity seeker.

2. Are you a member of a network marketing company?

Do not be afraid to ask for help. You are a beginner in the field.

3. Are you a member of more than ten MLM’s

We’re getting serious! Add the vending machines from your garage to make it a complete opp-seeker.

4. Are you a subscriber to Entrepreneur Magazine, Home Based Business Magazine, or Network Marketing News?

This type of publication confirms it. This is a serious habit that may require therapy.

5. Are you familiar with WAHM? Do you believe WAHM will ever be popular?

It will be saved for you to look it up. WAHM stands for Work at Home Mom. I’m trying to make WAHM, the work at home dad, more popular.

6. Are there any local flea market locations?

To sell items from your garage, I will accept three accounts online. Personally, I like Amazon and eBay. I have also used

7. Are you able to deposit serious amounts of money into the bank?

It is my sincere hope! There is a business opportunity seeking habit that you have to feed. However, most business seekers spend their money on new business ideas and have very little left over in the bank. You can read more about this below.

8. Bonus: Does your spouse object biz-opp magazines being treated as dirty magazines?

Unfortunately, this is a common belief. Your husband or wife brings home a novel idea or book and suddenly your wife or husband have a fit. You won’t be able to get another one. This is the vacation savings. They warn you not to use your 401K, IRA or kids college fund.

You can be sure that this one will work!

Face it, you’re sick. You are in need of help. (Even me!)


You should seek treatment if any of these causes you to twitching or embarrassment, loss consciousness, or for your loved ones to say, “I told you so.”

In my case, I discovered a great opportunity that was very affordable and stopped spending. That was a great idea that my wife loved. After that, I continued to try new things for three years. My business opportunity seeker stopped searching for opportunities because, miracle of miracles!

I made a profit! It’s true!

This is the way to go: Stay with a business or opportunity that has been successful for long enough to learn how to make it work. Do it and you will make money.

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